Our (or rather, my) Mission

My name is Jeff Gnecco, I'm a lawyer, and Gnecco Law Office is my law practice. What I do is dig in and help smart people with good ideas work through all sorts of tough legal and business problems. I also help people plan for, and hopefully avoid, an even wider range of legal and business problems. So I help people file for bankruptcy; organize small businesses and nonprofits; make wills and other arrangements for the future; buy, sell, and protect assets; make and write down agreements; build and market businesses; and resolve a wide range of disputes.

If you work with me, you work directly with me, so it is important that you know a few things about my approach to practicing law:

  1. I believe in finding win–win, rather than zero-sum, solutions, wherever possible. I'm not the guy you hire to tear down your enemies.

  2. I believe the deal needs to be as good as it needs to be, in real life, for each specific client. It doesn't have to be better than that, but it can't be any worse. (This is a variation of #1.)

  3. I'm a stickler for writing well. Most of what I do is ultimately expressed on paper (or the digital equivalent), which means my professional reputation depends as much on what I write as anything else. Therefore every document that leaves my desk is guaranteed to be written by me with clarity and precision, legally correct to the best of my ability, polished and professional in tone and appearance, and appropriately tailored to the matter at hand.